Healthy Recovery: Alcohol harm, COVID-19 and your constituency

Healthy Recovery: Alcohol harm, COVID-19 and your constituency

We're holding a virtual drop-in event to talk to MPs about alcohol harm and the impact of COVID-19 in your local area. But we need your help! Can you invite your MP to make sure they drop by?

Alcohol harms were already high before COVID-19: about 80 people die every day across the UK due to alcohol. While some people have reduced their alcohol intake in lockdown, surveys have shown that harmful drinking has increased. The pandemic and lockdown have also been particularly challenging for those in recovery, as well as the children and families of harmful drinkers.

As ...

We're holding a virtual drop-in event to talk to MPs about alcohol harm and the impact of COVID-19 in your local area. But we need your help! Can you invite your MP to make sure they drop by?

Alcohol harms were already high before COVID-19: about 80 people die every day across the UK due to alcohol. While some people have reduced their alcohol intake in lockdown, surveys have shown that harmful drinking has increased. The pandemic and lockdown have also been particularly challenging for those in recovery, as well as the children and families of harmful drinkers.

As the country begins to recover, we need to reduce alcohol harm as part of the national recovery effort. If we get this right, the benefits of a healthier population can speed up recovery, level-up disadvantaged parts of the country, reduce the pressure on the NHS and unleash economic potential.

You can help us get the message across by inviting your MP to the event. We will tell them what they can do to help end alcohol harm.

image of Healthy Recovery: Alcohol harm, COVID-19 and your constituency

Invite your MP

Invite your MP to hear all about alcohol harm in your constituency, what impact COVID-19 has had and what we can do to reduce it.

You can personalise the text below with your own reasons of why it is important that we end alcohol harm.

Compose your email

Email Tips +

  • Make your email personal - you can add your personal stories and experiences. This will help your MP understand why it is so important to take action.
  • Be polite - keep your email polite and respectful.
  • Be clear - make sure your email is clear and concise, as that makes it much easier to read.