Get alcohol into the Health and Care Bill

Get alcohol into the Health and Care Bill

On Wednesday, 14 July, MPs will debate the Health and Care Bill. It is the biggest piece of health legislation in almost a decade, yet it hardly mentions alcohol!

Alcohol harm is at crisis point. More people are dying from alcohol than ever before. It impacts millions of families, children and friends around the UK. Already struggling health services face substantial additional pressures from alcohol related issues.

This new Bill is an opportunity to change all this. We need MPs to talk about alcohol harm in the debate. The more MPs speak about this, the more likely it is that ...

On Wednesday, 14 July, MPs will debate the Health and Care Bill. It is the biggest piece of health legislation in almost a decade, yet it hardly mentions alcohol!

Alcohol harm is at crisis point. More people are dying from alcohol than ever before. It impacts millions of families, children and friends around the UK. Already struggling health services face substantial additional pressures from alcohol related issues.

This new Bill is an opportunity to change all this. We need MPs to talk about alcohol harm in the debate. The more MPs speak about this, the more likely it is that the Government will listen.

Can you ask your MP to speak about reducing alcohol harm during the debate?

To help reduce alcohol harm, the Bill needs to include policies that have been proven to be effective, such as protecting children and those in recovery from alcohol marketing.

image of Get alcohol into the Health and Care Bill

Email your MP

Tell your MP why you think alcohol should be included in the new Health and Care Bill and ask them to speak about it during the debate.

We included some text you can use below, but please give your own reasons why this is important to you.

Compose your email

Email Tips +

  • Make your email personal - you can add your personal stories and experiences. This will help your MP understand why it is so important to take action.
  • Be polite - keep your email polite and respectful.
  • Be clear - make sure your email is clear and concise, as that makes it much easier to read.